Today was the worst I felt physically and it's hot as hell and the winds had picked up. I knew that I could make the ride of 67 miles now that the end of the big climb was in sight. I look forward, I usually look forward and there is a pick up truck in the shoulder. We'll, Sean exits the truck holding two cold bottles of water. Am I dreaming. And it turns out that Sean is going to Walla Walla!!!
I had a great time chatting with Sean. We both love the scenary and he knew a lot about the area having been here for work since April. We'll keep in touch.
Steven decided he would prefer to ride the whole route. I'm enjoying myself in downtown Walla Walla. I had a big breakfast and more nice conversation at the counter. Now I'm enjoying a Frappucinno in Starbucks, writing this blog and enjoying the view from my air-conditioned window front seat.