Sunday, July 24, 2022

Darby to Missoula 69 mikes

 The first 17 miles were delightful. We ate breakfast in Hamilton. It was fun talking to the locals after. After that a 26 year old Asian student at Columbia University pulled in on his bike and told us how inspiring it is to see old people doing this trip. Anyway The next 50 mikes were in a bad headwind and I was in a bad mood because I slept too poorly and it’s not fair the we have so my any strong winds in this trip. I’m better now. We are in Missoula staying with a lovely warm showers host. We had showers, good company and homemade lentil soup for dinner.


  1. Very Inspiring ๐ŸšดYou are My Hero ❤️ Jodi ๐Ÿ™✨๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’ช

  2. Who are those old people he was talking about?

  3. You rock! Wish I could be on a downwind leg of your adventure, and then some.

  4. Love lentil soup!!! Judy


Cascade Locks to Portland 48 miles

 Steven and I said goodbye last night and this morning. We basically apologized for the times we got a little irritated with each other and ...