Friday, July 1, 2022

Imperial, NE to Holyoke, Colorado

What a difference a day makes. We made a 39 miles dash to Holyoke, CO with cooler temps, a flat road and a bit of a cross tail wind. We had a quick lunch, got into our hotel room early and I took a nap. The picture with Mountain Time sign was taken yesterday (fair disclosure).


  1. Hi Jodi, I am here with my family. They all say hello. Kevin says Godspeed. Mom says have a good time, but stay safe. Dad says Hello and stay safe. Michael says Good Luck! Sounds like things are going well. Tracy

  2. Michelle HaarhuesJuly 1, 2022 at 5:23 PM

    Welcome to Colorado

  3. Wow Colorado, so impressive! -Connie

  4. Hi Jodi, How many states have you biked through, and how many miles have you biked thus far? Tracy

  5. Hi Tracy, Biked around 2250. Colorado is the 10th state.


Cascade Locks to Portland 48 miles

 Steven and I said goodbye last night and this morning. We basically apologized for the times we got a little irritated with each other and ...