Monday, July 11, 2022

Rawlings to Jeffrey City, WY

One of the cool things for me on this trip is that I don't have much of a choice when it comes of what to wear.
Wyoming is beautiful. Steven and I rode 69 miles today in the rolling beauty of the valley. I think the vast majority of this land is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. 
About 15 miles in we got to chat with our first cross country riders who was traveling West to East. The few mins we spent talking to him was special. We haven't spoken to cross country riders since the beginning of the trip. At 44 miles we met another rider from Holland. Soon after we stopped at a historic site, Split Rock in this spectacular land that was important to the Oregon Trail, the Pony Express, the gold rush and of course the Indians. It's almost unbelievable that so many pioneers and women and children travelled these plains, It feels like we cyclists have it easy in comparison!
We are staying at a church in the middle of nowhere. Jefferson City is a real ghost town. There is a bar/restaurant a pottery store here and maybe 50 people who call this home. From 1950 to 1980 there was a Uranium mine here. What's left are these large streets with dormitory like buildings for thousands of workers. Here a the church there are 3 other bikers staying at this bare bones facility. We sleep on air mattress and there is two showers and a kitchen. We are on our own. Otherwise we'd have no place to stay. The next town, Lander is 57 miles from here 


  1. So Awesome My Friend✨ Stay Strong💪♀️🤗 I am So rootin' For You. 🚴

  2. Hi Jodi, You look great! It is interesting to think of the history of these lands. The pioneers did not have paved roads or any places to stay or restaurants. So, yes compared to them, your accommodations are luxurious. You must have to carry a lot of water with you. How is the weather?

  3. Hey Jodi! You look like you're having a wonderful ride with some great photos and experiences! Love reading these posts and getting a little history lesson. Keep at it!

  4. Hi, I take about 4 bottles of water and electrolights


Cascade Locks to Portland 48 miles

 Steven and I said goodbye last night and this morning. We basically apologized for the times we got a little irritated with each other and ...