Sunday, July 10, 2022

Saratoga to Rawlins 7/10 45 miles

Today's ride headed north with a slight tail wind and a nice shoulder on a lightly trafficked road. The scenario not as attractive as yesterday. We turned West on Interstate 80, yes it is legal to cycle on the Interstate and the speed limit is 75!
We had a shoulder almost as wide as a lane. The major road hazard was parts of retread tires. I really liked the ride besides the traffic, lots of 18 wheelers, there were denuded mountains on both side and a long train in the valley. The first 10 miles were fast and the last two and a half we had a roaring headwind. I pushed hard to maintain 8-10. 
Our expressway exit took us into Sinclair, named for Sinclair refineries. It was cool to cycle past the refinery it was big and the cycle past was slow. The last 9 miles into Rawlins our destination was into the wind.
We saw a little bit of Rawlins. We missed the Penetentury tour which includes a cell and a visit to the gas chamber. Aww. 
Tomorrow we have a long ride to Jeffersonville, WY, home to 60 residents. I probably won't have a connection. The cities are so far apart that we don't have much of a choice and there is no water or food for the first 44 miles. Pray for light winds.
The photo below is our low cost motel. Rodeway Inn in Rawlins.


  1. Looks like Rawlins Rhodeway could be part of the penitentiary!
    Good luck tomorrow! JP😎

  2. Looks like you're heading towards the Tetons. Riding through the national park will be spectacular!


Cascade Locks to Portland 48 miles

 Steven and I said goodbye last night and this morning. We basically apologized for the times we got a little irritated with each other and ...