Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Roosevelt Washington to Biggs, Oregon

Aug 2, 36 miles.
I mentally prepared for this. We shortened our day to 36 miles. I rode on Rte 14 and Steven crossed into Oregon on the John Day Dam around 20 miles. The ride was slow due to the strong winds. I accepted that my average speed would be between 7-9mph. I averaged 8.9 while climbing over 1500' throughout the ride. The ride was beautiful and the morning temps were cooler up high and that helped. I didn't count but there were many hundreds of wind mills storing power from the wind.
We are staying in Biggs, Or., Population Zero. It's a truck stop nestled in the mountains above the beautiful
 Columbia River.
4 days of riding to go!i


  1. ✨🦋❤️💪🏞️🚵So Proud of Your Amazing FEAT 🧭💜💥‼️😲Shock & AWE 👀👍✨‼️❤️🤟❤️🦋

  2. You need to go to Multnomah Falls.

  3. Wow! 4 more days!!!! You are one strong woman!!!!🏕❤️🚴‍♀️


Cascade Locks to Portland 48 miles

 Steven and I said goodbye last night and this morning. We basically apologized for the times we got a little irritated with each other and ...